Nancy Pelosi tribunal

Knowing how loathed this woman is, I cannot skip over this. This will be long but worth every word you read.

Nancy Pelosi’s Tribunal took over thirteen hours, over a period of 2 days. Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall was at the helm. In an opening statement, the admiral said JAG and the Office of Military Commissions had copious evidence linking Pelosi to crimes dating back to 1987. For time’s sake, he said he would only focus on her most recent and egregious offenses. He stated that he will start with the 2016 murder for hire plot to assassinate then presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. He said JAG was aware of many nefarious schemes to end Trump’s life, all of which were bungled or foiled and that they had incontrovertible evidence tying Pelosi to four of them.   He said that he would prove beyond a reasonable doubt that, in 2018, she hatched a plot to kidnap Barron Trump, in order to force Donald Trump’s resignation. As she wanted Pence to be the new president. Pelosi had even considered having Melania or Ivanka murdered in hopes of forcing a tormented Trump from office.

Pelosi shared responsibility with the late Gavin Newsom in locking down California and enforcing draconian vaccine mandates that sickened or killed countless residents of the Golden State. Pelosi’s “Covid crimes,” he intoned, violated the Constitution of the United States; they affronted the very people she had sworn to serve. As people withered and died, from the vaccine, and families grieved, Pelosi continued to grow in wealth and power. When she wasn’t wielding an iron fist, she was clutching the bottle, Vice Adm. Crandall said. He informed the panel witness statements and Pelosi’s own documents would give credence to JAG’s allegations.

“This woman isn’t even vaccinated,” Vice Adm. Crandall said, pointing at Pelosi. “We know this because we pulled her blood, and we can test. She eschewed her own mandates. Why? Because she knew the vaccines were dangerous, and we’ll prove that.”

When offered a chance to give her own opening statement, Pelosi, appearing without counsel, pursed her lips and kept quiet. She was disheveled and seemed distraught, her shriveled, bony fingers visibly trembling as bloodshot eyes scanned the court.

Vice Admiral Crandall introduced his first witness, a 29 year old Latin male named Xavier Ramirez. After being sworn in, he described himself as Pelosi’s former gigolo and “boy toy.” He testified that he had regularly “entertained” Pelosi between April and July of 2016, usually at upscale hotels in the San Francisco area. Mr. Ramirez said he hadn’t documented each meeting, but guessed he saw Pelosi at least 15 times.

“I hope you were paid well, Mr. Ramirez,” Vice Adm. Crandall quipped.

“Very well,” the witness replied.

“I’ve never seen this man before in my life,” Pelosi shouted at the top of her lungs, her voice gravelly and hoarse. The admiral reprimanded her outburst, saying she could either exercise decorum or be physically restrained.

“Mr. Ramirez, when we first spoke, you mentioned a specific meeting on a certain date. If you would, would you please repeat what you said, to the best of your recollection,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

“It was July 21, 2016. Nancy was in a bad way because Mr. Donald Trump just accepted the Republican nomination. Trump this, Trump that was all she talked about. She paid me, so I listened. She was drinking, of course. Nancy likes to drink. She is a big drinker, a habitual drinker, to say it in a nice way. So, the more she drinks, the more she talks—”

“—While we appreciate your colorful tale, could you please be briefer, come to the point,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

“The point, yes; she said she wanted to kill Donald Trump,” the witness said.

“Kill or have killed?”

“Well, have killed; she certainly wasn’t doing it herself. Nancy asked me do I know someone, because I am Cuban, I must know someone, she told me. And there I am thinking to myself why I should know a hitman just because I’m Cuban. I thought maybe she joked and asked if she was kidding, but, no, Nancy was dead serious. She offered me $25k cash in advance to find someone. Nancy said if I did, and it got done, I’d get $225K more and the person who kill Trump get $250K. Then she laughs and says to me if Trump has too much protection, she can do the daughter—you know, tall, pretty blonde, Ivanka.”

Vice Admiral asked if Mr. Ramirez had seen or handled the $25,000.

“I saw it come out of her purse. Banded stacks $1000 each. I saw it, I touched it, but I did not take. I told her, ‘You’re Nancy Pelosi, you must have powerful friends. I want nothing to do with this,’ and she tells me, and this I remember very well, ‘This time it has to be an outside party.’ I tell her flatly that’s not why I am here,” Mr. Ramirez explained.

“And I assume, Mr. Ramirez, the ‘services’ you performed for the defendant didn’t cost 25 grand,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Mr. Ramirez laughed. “No, I wish, but much less, and she paid me in advance.”

“Did you bring your concerns to the Secret Service, to the police?”

“Are you crazy? No. If she could kill Trump, I could get killed like a fly on the wall. When I left, it was last time I saw her,” Mr. Ramirez said.

“Yet the defendant claims she’s never seen you before today. But we know that’s untrue,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

He projected onto a large screen television digital images he had obtained from the witness. One clearly showed Pelosi and Mr. Ramirez hugging in a hotel room; another showed them standing side-by-side, smiling at a camera. “These are ‘selfies’ you took in the defendant’s company, is that correct?”

“That’s correct,” Mr. Ramirez said.

“Why did you take them?”

“Bragging rights.”

Vice Adm. Crandall snorted. “I really don’t think that’s something to brag about, Mr. Ramirez. You’re excused.”

The admiral addressed the panel: “This alone is solicitation for murder, which in traditional courts carries up to a 20-year sentence. In this case, we’re talking about a presidential candidate. And we’re by no means done.”

After Mr. Ramirez left the witness box, Vice Adm. Crandall produced a second witness via a Zoom call, a Hispanic female who said her name was Elsa Fuentes and told the court she had been Pelosi’s unpaid intern between January-March 2018. Her appearance on video seemed to unnerve Pelosi, whose eyes narrowed contemptuously while gazing at the woman’s face on the screen. The admiral asked Ms. Fuentes a few routine questions: How did you become interested in politics? what were your routine duties? Did you enjoy the work? Was the environment pleasant? Did you enjoy Nancy’s company?

“I hated the bitch by day 2. My duties? Arranging her calendar, setting up appointments, cancelling appointments, fetching coffee and cappuccino, cleaning her office, taking her clothes to the dry cleaners, picking up her clothes from the dry cleaners, making her hair appointments, running to the liquor store for her twice a week…” Ms. Fuentes said.

“You sound a bit bitter,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “Is it safe to say bitterness won’t affect your testimony?”

“Just cause she’s a bitch don’t mean I’d lie,” Ms. Fuentes said. “If I’m angry, was angry, it’s cause I knew interns for other Reps weren’t doing the sh—stuff I had to do. And most Reps paid interns, but Nancy didn’t. Hi, there, Nancy, good to see you’re finally where you belong,” she went on, suddenly smiling as she vigorously waved at the defendant.

Vice Adm. Crandall asked her to not address or incite the defendant. Meanwhile, Nancy sat still as a puddle of stagnant water.

“Let me pull your attention back to what you told me when you gave a sworn deposition, Ms. Fuentes. The day–March 10, 2018. You were in Nancy Pelosi’s offices then, is that correct?” asked the admiral.

“I was,” Ms. Fuentes answered without hesitation. “I remember cause Nancy kept me late doing spreadsheets and transcriptions, and other reasons.”

“And Nancy was present?”

“She was in her office and I was in what we called the side office. More like a large closet than an office, where secretaries or interns sit. A door connects the two, and it wasn’t really ever locked or closed all the way. I think Nancy probably wanted to eavesdrop, you understand, in case we were talking about her,” Ms. Fuentes said.

“Let’s refrain from speculation please, Ms. Fuentes.”

“Sorry, sir. Anyway, I overheard her on the phone talking to someone—no idea who it was—about killing President Trump. She was saying she didn’t care how much money it took. She wanted him dead. Nancy was spitting out large figures—like millions,” Ms. Fuentes said.

“Was there anyone in the offices besides you and the defendant?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“Just us two. She was talking on a burner phone. Nancy didn’t conduct unofficial business on her office phone. She had a drawer full of burners,” Ms. Fuentes said.

“Let the record reflect that by burners the witness means, generally speaking, inexpensive, expendable, untraceable cellular phones paid for with cash. Do you recognize this?” asked the admiral, as he pulled from a cardboard box a plastic evidence bag holding the upper and lower halves of a prepaid phone someone had snapped in two.

“Of course, I do. I gave it to you,” Ms. Fuentes replied.

“How did you come to obtain this phone?” the admiral queried.

“Took it from her trash bin before I left that night. She’d left first,” Ms. Fuentes said flatly.

“Pretty bold of you and foolish of her, to just drop it in a wastebasket. Weren’t you worried she’d find out?”

Ms. Fuentes said Nancy that day had consumed a half-bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and was inebriated beyond comprehension when she stumbled out of the office at 8:30 p.m. Moreover, she said she’d covered her tracks: She proudly boasted how she had taken an identical, unopened burner phone from Pelosi’s drawer, broke it in a way the closely mimicked how Nancy had snapped the original, and laid it in the trash.

“When I got to the office next day, the trash had been emptied. Not a word was ever said,” she said.

“And you held onto it for what, almost five years now?” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Ms. Fuentes nodded. “I wasn’t gonna hand it off to just anyone. Then I might have, you know, disappeared.

“Ms. Fuentes, I don’t think that’s anything to worry about anymore. You’re excused.”

The admiral told the panel that despite Pelosi’s pedestrian attempt to render the phone useless—she hadn’t even removed the sim card—from it JAG had extracted call logs and dozens of incriminating text messages that described not only assassinating President Trump but also her plan to “kidnap or get rid of” Trump’s then-12-year-old son Barron. Part of a message read, “ASAP. Take Barron and Trump won’t function. He’ll have to leave, and then I’ll have Pence. Wiring now to what’s been discussed.”

Another message: “Or Ivanka. Make her less pretty.”

“Of course her messages were sent to another burner phone—disconnected, but—” Vice Admiral Crandall began.

Nancy stood. She spoke. She said she was innocent. Innocent with an explanation. “It’s no secret I dislike Donald Trump. This is all fantasy—my fantasy, and fantasy is no crime. It was role play. Nothing more,” she hissed.

“We have your bank records. You wired $375K to an account in Zurich minutes after you sent that text. Ben Folds—a fake name, I’m sure. That’s a hefty sum to spend on role play, for someone who wouldn’t even pay her interns a dime,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

“Your so-called witnesses are compromised, corrupt. I won’t stand for this.”

“Then please take your seat, or we’ll put you in it,” the admiral snapped as two Marines flanked Pelosi. “By the way, I think you got ripped off.”

“I’m sure you won’t like our next witness either,” the admiral continued.

He called to the stand a cooperating witness–Nancy’s estranged husband, Paul Pelosi.

“What is this, a trick? We’re still married. He can’t be made to testify against me,” Nancy spat as Vice Admiral Crandall invited Paul Pelosi to the witness stand.

“No one’s forcing him to do anything,” Vice Adm. Crandall replied. “He’s speaking voluntarily, and his testimony will be heard.”

Paul Pelosi had a story to tell.

Although Nancy and he had married in 1963, they hadn’t been truly betrothed since 2007, when she for the first time ascended to Speaker of the House and developed an unquenchable thirst for undiluted power. Paul wove a tragic tale. As Nancy’s influence surged, her affection for him waned, as did his for her—years afterward. Paul defined their post-2007 marriage as pragmatic, to give the world the illusion that the couple, despite personal ambitions, had a stable, civil household. But that fantasy life, Paul said, was an elaborate misdirection.

It was clear that Vice Adm. Crandall was giving Paul Pelosi the necessary latitude to paint an unflattering portrait of Nancy.

The longer Nancy served, the nastier she got, Paul said, and she quickly and rightfully became known as a congressional bitch. Paul became her personal pinata. On bad days—when someone either challenged her authority or disagreed with a political viewpoint—she drank heavily and browbeat Paul until he embraced alcohol as a coping mechanism, to endure and survive her daily verbal onslaught. Nancy, a consummate alcoholic, disdained Paul’s drinking, and frequently accused him of being a drunk while she herself was intoxicated beyond all reasonable comprehension. Paul said he had on several occasions threatened to leave her.

“When I did, Admiral Crandall, she said she’d ruin me,” Paul Pelosi said. “I was a punching bag she could torment. She needed someone close to her to torment—it was her nature.”

He went on to say he felt momentarily relieved in 2010 when Republicans won the House and John Boehner supplanted her as Speaker.

“I made the mistake of thinking having fewer responsibilities might temper her attitude,” Paul Pelosi said. “That she’d have less stress. I was so wrong. She just got meaner, and I bore the brunt of her anger. You must understand that she thrives on conflict, and will create it when there is none around. She hates almost everyone—if she perceives you a threat or competition, she’ll devote her life to unravelling yours like a ball of yarn. And she’ll keep pulling those threads until a bigger threat comes along. You know what she hates most? That there are women younger and prettier than she is in Congress. I went through years of hell, forced to sleep on the couch, which really got to be a blessing, being told to eat frozen dinners while she feasted on the most expensive meals money can buy and bought lavish gifts for lovers—and there were quite a few. So, 2018 rolls around and once again she’s made Speaker.”

Paul Pelosi was silent a moment, and then his face went grave.

“After it became very clear Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee, she says to me very matter-of-factly, ‘If I can’t kill Trump, you’ll have to do.’”

Paul Pelosi described that as his “oh, shit!” moment, for he feared that his wife could and would make good on the threat. Nancy, he said, had an unhealthy obsession for Trump from the start. Her every spoken word invoked his name, and her every spoken sentence was laden with colorful adjectives describing how she felt about Trump, the Trump family, and the Trump empire. When Trump appeared on television, or at a rally, Nancy went berserk, retreating into the bottle and berating and threatening Paul until he, in a moment of clarity, realized he had to protect himself from Nancy’s unending wrath. He began to surreptitiously record phone conversations between his wife and parties unknown—discussing Trump’s demise. He copied incriminating data from Nancy’s computers to SD cards, which he then buried in places Nancy would never find them. He had hired a private investigator to shadow Nancy’s movements. The investigator had tailed her to countless meetings with her lovers and to shadowy spots in San Francisco and the Washington area where she handed off envelopes of cash to suspicious-looking persons, ostensibly hit men or their representatives.

Vice Admiral Crandall played audio of Nancy Pelosi screaming on the telephone: “I paid you in advance three million dollars to put a damn bomb on Trump’s plane. When are you going to do it?” Her speech was slurred, as if drunk. “Or give me my damn money back.”

According to Paul, the conversation took place on May 17, 2017, three days before President Trump travelled aboard Air Force One to the Middle East. When furious Nancy hung up the phone, she cucked Paul by divulging tales of her trysts with various lovers, who took care of her in ways Paul never could.

“It’s absurd to think even the most competent assassin could sabotage the president’s plane,” Vice Admiral Crandall said. “We could not identify whom she spoke to, but, thanks to Mr. Pelosi, we have proof in the form of financial transactions that she wired $3m to a bank account in the Cayman Islands five days before the call.”

He showed the panel Nancy’s bank statements.

“Mr. Pelosi, why didn’t you bring any of this to the Secret Service?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“Because it’s rife with corruption, and it’s likely they would have disappeared me. The Secret Service is Deep State,” Paul Pelosi replied.

“Like your wife?”

“Yes, like Nancy,” Paul Pelosi said.

“Mr. Pelosi told us how to procure his evidence after his own trial,” Vice Adm. Crandall told the panel. “He could have shared it sooner, before his trial, and used it as a bargaining chip. But he didn’t. Mr. Pelosi, why didn’t you?”

“The truth of it is, I felt safer here than out there. Here I’m protected, while she was free parading around with actor Sam Waterston wearing makeup to look like me.”

“Thank you, Mr. Pelosi. Your cooperation in this matter will be taken into consideration. As for the defendant, It’s JAG’s opinion that we’ve proven beyond reasonable doubt that Nancy Pelosi committed treason and conspiracy to commit murder against President Donald J. Trump. It matters not if a bomb was ever planted. It is our recommendation that the defendant be hanged for her crimes,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

The panel unanimously agreed, and Vice Adm. Crandall set an execution date for December 27.

Due to the length of this, all Covid evidence has been omitted. Paul had documents and digital data proving that Nancy had accepted nearly $63m from the Treasury Department in exchange for supporting mask and vaccine mandates, and pushing lockdowns.

More military tribunals, arrests, convictions and hangings

Hi loyal readers. So much has happened in my absence. So sorry that I haven’t updated you all. I was super busy with craft shows. Here is a super quick synopsis of the most recent arrests. All important.

The first arrest and conviction goes to Bridget Brink. She was the US Ambassador to Ukraine. She was found guilty of treason. They wasted no time executing her by hanging, only hours after the tribunal. She was caught in photographs and video that showed Brink surrendering $2.2 billion in American currency to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense official Lieutenant General Serhiy Shaptala. At her tribunal, there were also 2 eyewitnesses who had travelled with Brink aboard the State Department Boing 757. They were flown from Andrews Airforce Base to Warsaw. The witnesses were contracted as a crew member and a relief pilot, both of whom testified under oath that they had heard Brink bragging to State Department officials, on the flight, about how American tax dollars would help Zelenskyy repel Russian troops from “US interests.”

“She was literally laughing about how Americans were clueless about how many tax dollars Biden was giving to Zelenskyy,” the crew member testified. “She had this hideous cackle and was telling [name omitted] and [name omitted] that Biden promised her a promotion to higher position in 2024 if she completed this assignment. She was giddy about it.” The relief pilot testified next. “I was sitting in the aisle beside Bridget Brink. She had 7 or 8 Smirnov and cranberry juice cocktails during the flight and was laughing uproariously about how she was finally given a chance to “fuck over” Trump’s America. She at length rambled on in a drunken stupor about how she could give Zelenskyy anything he wants.” What makes her crimes even worse, is that this was all done before the approval of the funds, from Congress to Ukraine. This was theft of US tax dollars and they had to somehow make it legal. Ukraine is not a friend to the US. They are in bed with the Biden’s and their criminal enterprise. The best part of this is that the video of Brink’s misdeeds and her execution were sent to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, and Biden, with a caption—“This is what awaits traitors who seek to erode the US Constitution.”

Next on the list is Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel. He was hung on November 18th, after being convicted of murder, 4 days earlier. Since he is not a US Citizen he could not be charged with treason and seditious conspiracy. During the tribunal, Bancel reiterated the media talking points about Moderna’s Covid vaccine, that it was clinically safe and effective. He also went out of his way to say that he could not be held liable for “coincidental injuries or fatalities” because the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) had granted him immunity, from prosecution, in matters involving the company’s products. Admiral Darce E Crandall had in his hands a ream of paper that held the names of 70 service members who either died or were injured, beyond the ability to serve in the Armed Forces, within 14 days of getting a first or second Moderna vaccination. Many developed myocarditis and Stage-4 hypertension. Some came down with incurable cerebral palsy. One lost all blood flow to his lower extremities, and had his legs amputated. A handful are now living with chronic neuropathies. Thirty-two died. One case, was of a 19 year old who died within 29 hours of getting the very first shot. His eyes burst out of his head like popped balloons and he died of a heart attack. Bancel made millions off of this death shot. It took just 5 minutes to convict him and sentence him to death.

On Thanksgiving day, the White hats arrested the Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, along with his wife. His tribunal was held this past Monday on Dec 12th. He was charged and found guilty of child endangerment, it took the panel just 15 minutes to convict. Admiral Darse E Crandall projected the evidence onto a large screen television, for the panel to see. The evidence was images of letters Cardona wrote and sent to the Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent Austin Beutner. The text encouraged Beutner to implement gender studies courses across the greater Los Angeles area, specifically to 4th graders. “Modern times mandate transformative education,” Cordova wrote. “Gone is the era of two genders. Fluidity is the future. The [Biden] administration and I are constructing a cohesive plan to introduce gender fluidity courses in elementary schools nationwide. You, an advocate of trangenderism, are in a key position to move this forward. Your participation, needless to say, will advance your career.”

Cardona had sent similar letters to school superintendents in Spokane, WA, Seattle, WA, New York City, Detroit, MI, Chicago, IL, Lansing, MI, San Francisco, CA, Austin, TX, Houston, TX, Dallas, TX, Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, PA, New Orleans, LA and Denver, CO. They all asked his underlings to embrace gender affirmation, hormone blockers, and gender reassignment surgery as the “new normal” in a progressive society. One letter to New Orleans Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams mentioned ways children could hide sexual reassignment from their parents. Next he showed a video. The video showed Cardona addressing a 4th grade class at Garden Grove Elementary School in Simi Valley, California. In it, Cardona held a pair of scissors, the kind kids use to cut construction paper, snipping it over and over as he told the class “This is how boys become girls” and said that “boys have a God-given right to be girls and girls have a God-given right to be boys.” He explained to the class that puberty blockers, a “safe and effective medication like Covid vaccines,” could inhibit the growth of biological traits until boys and girls decide “who they want to be in life.” He said boys should experiment wearing girls’ clothes, and vice versa, insisting it was the natural order of things.

On December 2nd, Nancy Pelosi, Eli Roth and 6 other deep staters were arrested after fake Pres Biden’s banquet at the Atlanta, GA white house replica. The white hats have not released the other names, at this time. Nancy Pelosi is charged with with multiple counts of treason and seditious conspiracy. As her Tribunal is released, I will post in full detail. Hers is worth devotion, she is a sick and twisted lady. Eli Roth is charged with murder. According to his military arrest warrant, Roth’s flicks weren’t entirely fictional. The document alleges that Roth sought to make his films as realistic as possible. Before principal filming began on HostelCabin Fever, and The Green Inferno, Roth rented property in Bilisht, Albania, and used his underworld connections to hire members of the Albanian mafia to torture and murder people in ways that would eventually appear in the films. The victims were American citizens, primarily homeless people. Roth’s people plucked them from the streets of Los Angeles. They were told they’d be starring in a film and receiving cash. The victims, many of whom reportedly had mental handicaps, were flown to Albania, tortured to within an inch of their lives, dismembered, exsanguinated and decapitated. JAG also has obtained audio and video of Roth admitting that he personally orchestrated and supervised the demise of 16 men and women in Albania. One was a 14-year-old female runaway, by Roth’s own admission.

The next arrest occurred on Dec 7th. JAG investigators arrested ex-Twitter lawyer and former FBI General Counsel James Baker on charges of treason, seditious conspiracy, aiding and abetting the enemy, bribery, and blackmail. This arrest is thanks to Elon Musk. Musk fired Baker for having vetted the Twitter Files, a reference to the company’s efforts to suppress and squash Tweets related to Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop. These files were shared with journalist Matt Taibbi without first consulting Musk. So Musk fired him and JAG arrested him a day later. This arrest wasn’t scheduled yet, but due to the data dump by Musk, it helped them cement their case against Baker.

The most recent arrest occured on Monday Dec 12th. They arrested former Covid-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients for treason and murder related to pushing experimental and potentially lethal vaccines on the American public. The military says they have evidence that Zients was an architect of mandatory vaccination mandates, despite knowing the clot shots were sickening and killing tens of thousands of citizens, primarily senior citizens and the immunocompromised. Zients had mountains of hard evidence showing causality between vaccines and excess deaths and yet he argued in favor of getting every American, the sick and the healthy, vaccinated, double vaccinated and boosted.

As the tribunals occur, and the info becomes available, I will post the rest of the results. The white hats are definitely getting more aggressive. This is a good sign. More updates to come!

Alec Baldwin found guilty at Military Tribunal

On Monday, May 16th, a handcuffed and bedraggled Baldwin entered Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom. He was arrested for committing heinous crimes against children, more specifically, child molestation. He molested several young teens including his own daughter, Ireland. The investigation started in October of last year. President Donald J. Trump reached out and did a personal investigation into whether or not Alec had intentionally shot and killed Halyna Hutches. That investigation was inclusive, however, Trump’s investigators uncovered information that linked Baldwin to crimes against children. Besides abusing Ireland, Baldwin tried to persuade her into “daughter swapping”. Trump handed his findings over to the Office of Military Commissions (OMC), which spent six months corroborating Trump’s data and ferreting out the sinister details of Baldwin’s criminal malfeasance.

They arrested Baldwin, at his home, in East Hampton, New York on May 1st and sent him to Guantanamo Bay to await a military tribunal.

As soon as he entered the courtroom, he began spewing obscenities at both Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and a female paralegal who was scrutinizing paperwork at the prosecutor’s table.

“F*** all you mother******, you and Trump,” Baldwin spat. His crazy eyes flashed open as he gawked at the female officer. “I see you there, honey.” He waggled his tongue at her. “The law wouldn’t indict me because I’m innocent, so you and Humpy Dumpty Trump are witch-hunting me because he has an axe to grind. Well, f*** all of you.”

“Another outburst and you’ll be gagged,” Vice Adm. Crandall said, his voice thick with exasperation.

Baldwin drew his thumb and index finger across his lips in a zippering gesture, ostensibly mocking the court.

Vice Adm. Crandall orated a brief opening statement, then swiftly called his first witness. It was Baldwin’s daughter Ireland, appearing on ZOOM. When Baldwin saw her face, he hopped from his chair and started shouting at the screen: “You disgusting, little lying piggy, you’ll pay for this, you and your mother,” Baldwin hissed.

GITMO security shackled Baldwin’s legs and gagged his mouth.

“Maybe now you’ll be more civil,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Ireland gave a tearful testimony. She spent 45 minutes describing how her father had begun molesting and raping her on her 10th Birthday. Baldwin, she said, would frequently receive adrenochrome infusions that sent him spiraling into a sexual frenzy targeting any young female in his field of vision. She said her father fed her Rohypnol, more commonly known as the “date rape” drug, which in high doses causes amnesia, loss of inhibitions, and loss of consciousness.

“When he was doing it to me, I didn’t know. And when he was done, I couldn’t remember,” Ireland said. “It was systemic. My mother knew, but she had kept quiet to protect the family name. After a while, he didn’t bother with the drug. When I was 11, he said he wanted me to ‘play with’ a friend of his who was a doctor with a daughter around my age. The implication was that this doctor would be raping me while my father raped his daughter, in the same bed, in the same room. That’s when I ran, and my mother sheltered me. Only later did I learn that the doctor was Dr. McCoy L. Moretz and his actress-daughter Chloe Grace, both were into the scene.”

Vice Admiral Crandall asked: “Other than your words, do you have other evidence to support your claims of molestation and abuse?”

“The images I’ve given you,” she replied. “I found these years later in my father’s private room. It seems he liked to take pictures.”

Vice Adm. Crandall showed the panel digital images and polaroid pictures of a naked Alec Baldwin flopping atop obviously underage girls, all of whom, Ireland assumed, Alec had drugged before penetrating them.

“He once told me he liked to give girls medicine,” Ireland said.

Vice Adm. Crandall said that JAG had identified the other women, but none were willing to testify against Baldwin. Even so, the panel tasked with weighing JAG’s evidence found Ireland’s testimony compelling enough to deliver a swift verdict of guilty, recommending that Baldwin, a sexual predator, be hanged for his ‘unforgivable’ sins.

“So be it,” Vice Adm. Crandall uttered. “Sentence to be carried out on the 1st of June.”

Fauci Military Tribunal!

On Monday, April 18th, the first day of Fauci’s Tribunal took place. Fauci seemed like he was deep in thought and not fully aware of his predicament.

“Are you with us, detainee Anthony Stephen Fauci? Don’t mean to disturb your meditation, but we need to get started,” said Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall. “We’re happy to have you with us today.”

“It’s Dr. Fauci,” Fauci corrected him.

“Not anymore.”

Fauci stands accused of a myriad crimes: Mass medical malpractice, treason, seditious conspiracy, murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, bribery, money laundering, and falsifying government reports. His trembling fingers fiddled with the papers laid out before him.

“These aren’t my crimes. I don’t acknowledge these charges, or recognize the authority of this court. I know who put me here, and they’ll answer for this, as will you, and you, and you.” Fauci pointed fingers at Vice Adm. Crandall and the three officers who had yet to hear JAG’s evidence against him. Fauci then proceeded to go on a tirade about Donald J. Trump and Senator Rand Paul, accusing them of subverting science and prosecuting the innocent for no reason other than to satisfy personal vendettas. “I will admit to nothing except my innocence. I’ve saved millions–billions of lives. You people taking orders from Trump or whomever will…”

As we all know, once Fauci gets going, he needs to be interrupted. So that is what Adm Crandall did next. “You must govern your passions, detainee Fauci, or we’ll do it for you—with a gag and shackles,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Fauci stopped talking.

The first exhibits entered into evidence were the same emails that helped convict Fauci’s co-conspirator, the late Francis Collins. To recap, the email chain was a lengthy back and forth between the despicable duo, in which they discussed murdering physicians and health officials who advocated for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine over potentially lethal vaccines.

“It’s interesting. Did you know, detainee Fauci, that your friend Francis tried to absolve himself of liability by blaming it all on you. What a great friend he must have been,” said Vice Adm. Crandall.

After a brief recess, Vice Adm. Crandall introduced a witness for the prosecution, an infectious disease expert and one of Fauci’s former associates at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

The military asked that the sources name be concealed, so he will be referred to as “witness Sam” and omit his name from quoted dialogue. Ellipsis was used to conceal any testimony that could betray his identity.

Appearing on ZOOM, witness Sam stated for the record his name and credentials, and admitted he’d been granted prosecutorial immunity in exchange for his testimony.

“Despite your agreement with the Office of Military Commissions and JAG, do you hereby swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God,” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

Witness Sam agreed.

“Do you recognize your former employer in this tribunal chamber today?”

“I do.”

“Will you identify him?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, grey haired man in orange jumpsuit sitting at that table.”

When asked how long he had worked under Fauci, witness Sam said he had been at the NIADS for at least 19 to 20 years.

“Is it safe to assume, then, that you know the defendant reasonably well, professionally and personally?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“Very well,” witness Sam replied.

Behind the defense table, Fauci glared menacingly at the view screen.

“Let me ask you this: Based on your initial deposition. Did you have a conversation with the defendant on December 11, 2020, two days after the FDA gave Pfizer emergency use authorization on its Covid-19 vaccination?” asked Vice Adm. Crandall.

“I did. Many of us did.”

“And what was the nature of that conversation,” said Vice Adm. Crandall.

“He told me not to take the vaccine,” witness Sam said.

“Did he tell you why?” Vice Adm. Crandall pressed.

“He said it caused cardiac arrest in an alarming number of trial participants; it caused male infertility; it was causing pregnant women to spontaneously abort; and could potentially cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. He said that information wasn’t being made public,” witness Sam said.

Vice Adm. Crandall wanted to know why witness Sam, a physician having taken the Hippocratic Oath, had not made Fauci’s comments a matter of public record. Witness Sam said he was bound by confidentiality agreements, and he feared losing his lucrative job.

“This man is a liar!” Fauci shouted. “I never said that, and he knows it.”

Vice Adm. Crandall ordered Fauci to restrain his outburst, but Fauci would have none of it. He hollered and screamed and claimed he’d been “set up.” The admiral had GITMO security escort Fauci from the courtroom.

He then put the tribunal in recess until Tuesday morning.

They resumed his tribunal on the next afternoon.

Although Vice Adm. Crandall did not bring back “witness Sam,” he entered into evidence four sworn affidavits, each signed by either a current or former NIADS employee, attesting that Fauci had advised them to avoid vaccinations due to a long list of potentially life-threatening side effects. Each affidavit held an apology. The authors claimed they feared that Fauci, or persons on his behalf, would retaliate if they violated confidentiality agreements.  “I am deeply sorry for my inaction in coming forward. Dr. Fauci is a mean-spirited, arrogant, smug, vindictive person, and I don’t hesitate to believe he would’ve retaliated against myself and my family,” one affidavit read.

Vice Adm. Crandall instructed the panel to read each affidavit carefully. “In reading these, you may ask yourselves what reasonable person would feel threatened by detainee Fauci. He’s by no means physically imposing. But he had resources, unimaginable resources at his disposal. And that’s what they feared. These affidavits give rise to pattern, a pattern practiced by Fauci over his long, shameful career. The gist of that pattern was obey me or else.”

Meanwhile, the defendant, Anthony S. Fauci, sat bound and gagged at the defense table, the consequences of his Monday morning verbal tirade. Beside him stood a Marine guard with instructions to remove the gag if and only if Fauci raised his handcuffed wrists to signal he wished to ask a question.

As the panel reviewed the sworn affidavits, Fauci raised his arms, and the Marine obliged the request with Vice Adm. Crandall’s approval.

“Since I am here Pro Se, don’t I have a right to face my accusers,” Fauci said in his gravelly voice.

“You’ve faced one. These documents support his testimony. How does it feel, now, finally, to yourself oblige a mandatory mask mandate,the gag?  We know you only wore one for theatrics,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

The Marine guard fastened the gag over Fauci’s mouth.

After a short recess, Vice Adm. Crandall gave the panel financial statements showing that three prominent pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson had periodically deposited substantial sums of money into an offshore bank account in Fauci’s name. Those deposits, incidentally, began arriving within days of the FDA granting emergency use authorization to each company’s Covid-19 vaccination. Collectively, the deposits totaled $14m.

“The defendant’s unwilling to say why he got paid this money. He didn’t work for them, so why the payout? I’ll tell you why: The money was kickbacks. He promoted the vaccinations full well knowing from concealed trial data that they could sicken or kill recipients. People died; Fauci got rich. JAG could spend years finding people who got ill from or whose family and friends died following vaccination. But we don’t have years. This ends today. Let’s focus on our own, for a moment,” Vice Adm. Crandall told the panel.

He then presented a report compiled by “White Hat 5th Columnists” at U.S. Army Medical Research and Command (USARMDC.) It concluded that 63 active-duty females and 24 female dependents had spontaneously aborted pregnancy within 21 days of having taken either a first or second clot shot. Of those, 23 were first trimester, 15 second trimester, and 25 third trimester.

“We sent this report to every major media outlet in the country. How many mentioned it? None. Why? Because they revere or fear doctor death,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Fauci lifted his wrists, and the Marine guard lowered the gag.

“You don’t understand science. Correlation is not causation. Even if your study is true, which I doubt it is, without knowing how many servicewomen were impregnated throughout the last two years, it’s meaningless,” Fauci said.

“At least 63 women would disagree with your assessment,” Vice Adm. Crandall said sternly. “Marine, gag that man.”

The tribunal recessed an hour for lunch.

Afterward, Vice Adm. Crandall asked the panel to review an email, dated 1 June 2020, Fauci had sent to the late Dr. Deborah Birx. He read aloud: “We can get rid of him. The ignoramus doesn’t understand even basic science. He’s scientifically illiterate. We can bend him to our will, get him to say what we want him to say, and he’ll be gone in no time.”

“I’m curious, Fauci, who were you referring to in this letter?”

The Marine guard lowered Fauci’s gag, but Fauci stayed silent.

“Oh, come now, detainee Fauci, I’m sure his name is boiling your blood and—”

“F*ck Trump. Who do you think? That stupid son of a b*tch” The Marine replaced the gag.

“That’s what we call seditious conspiracy and treason,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “I guess he isn’t as stupid as you thought, you’re here after all.”

With Fauci silenced, Vice Adm. Crandall gently segued into another of JAG’s charges against Fauci, allegations of child molestation. He summoned to the witness stand a licensed D.C. private investigator whose name Real Raw News has been asked to conceal, for fear the Deep State might retaliate against him and his family. The PI rattled off impressive credentials: An Army veteran, he served six years on active duty and fought in Operation Desert Storm. After that, he spent twelve years as a law enforcement officer before opening his own private investigation firm.

“Do you know the defendant?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked him.

“Only in name,” the PI said.

“Would you please tell the panel how it is that you’ve come to be in this tribunal chamber today?” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

“By chance, I guess. I’d been working a job not related to what’s going on here when, again by chance, I saw Dr. Fauci in the company of what looked to be a very young male watching a ball game at Nationals Stadium. Everyone knows who Fauci is. I knew he had daughters, no sons. I found it odd they’d be holding hands and leaning very close to one another. I took the pictures which you now have. It piqued my interest and I took it upon myself to follow him days after. Then I saw him with another boy at Brookside Gardens, also holding hands. I never saw them in any sexual activity, let me be clear, but still—I made D.C. Metro aware, and I guess they buried the report. I shadowed him several times, and saw him with 4 different kids over the course of say, three months. When I talked to a friend of mine who’s still active military about it, he asked me for the pictures, and I guess somehow you got ahold of them,” the PI said.

“That is how we obtained them. Thank you for your time; you’re dismissed.” Vice Adm. Crandall faced the panel. “We identified one of the four minors. You’ll hear from him now.”

Appearing on ZOOM was a young man with blonde hair and a face dotted with adolescent acne, whose parents perished in a violent car crash in 2020.  He’d become a temporary resident at Best a child placement facility in Washington, D.C.

He was 13 when he met Dr. Fauci.

“I know this is difficult, but could you tell us how you came to meet Anthony Fauci,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

The kid bore a scornful face. “It’s not difficult. I hate that bastard. I was stupid and believed him when he told me he’d help me out if I just listened to him. He came to visit, talked to a bunch of us, took us to ball games, the zoo, gave us a little money for games or whatever. He didn’t take us in groups, only one at a time, private, you know. It was the third time I saw him—he asked to touch my private parts. He pulled down his pants to show me his and grabbed my crotch. I hope he rots,” the boy, now 14, said.

The boy’s visage matched the PI’s photograph taken at Nationals Stadium.

The senior officer on the panel, a Marine Major, raised his hand. “Pardon me, sir, but we’ve heard enough. We unanimously find the defendant guilty on all counts and recommend he receive maximum punishment.”

“So be it,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “The defendant, detainee Anthony Stephen Fauci, you are hereby sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. Sentence to be carried out a week from today, that’s April 26. This tribunal stands adjourned.”

Fauci mumbled incoherently through his gag as the Marine guard escorted him from the courtroom.

Loretta Lynch Arrested!

We all know that Loretta Lynch was one of Obama’s biggest lackey’s. To see she is now in custody is a relief. The JAG Source said that the Marines spent two weeks surveilling Lynch. During this time they learned her daily routine, routes of travel, and when she would be isolated from her friends and family. On Monday, March 21st, U.S. Marines, under the command of Col. Todd W. Ferry, from Camp Lejeune, arrested former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, at her home, in Greensboro, North Carolina. They disabled Lynch’s home security system, breeched her front door and cleared the 4,500 sq ft home, room by room, until they reached the master bedroom. This is where they found Lynch asleep. They quickly sealed her mouth with duct tape and zip tied her wrists before she could put up a struggle. Unfortunately, this caused her to awaken and a struggle is exactly what they got. She began flailing her legs, kicking at the Marine showing her the military arrest warrant charging Lynch with treason and other high crimes. She started to kick even harder causing the Marines to hogtie her before they speedily carried her outside and placed her in the waiting vehicle.

“She’s been taken to a processing center, then she’ll be sent to Guantanamo Bay,” the JAG source stated. He declined to cite JAG’s evidence, stating that all relevant evidence will be revealed at the military tribunal. When pressed on whether evidence includes Lynch’s relationship to the late Hillary Clinton and her clandestine meeting with the late William Jefferson Clinton aboard her private Justice Dept. Jet, the source said, “That’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

He also added: “Lynch is uncooperative. At processing, she said we apprehended her because President Trump told us to. Nothing could be further from the truth. President Trump had no part in her arrest. She’s been taken into custody because she committed treasonous crimes against America, while serving in office. Her arrest was long overdue.”

When asked whether the “White Hats” plan to apprehend Obama’s other attorney general, Eric Holder, he emphatically said JAG doesn’t telegraph future operations.

Can’t wait til she pays for her crimes. None of this saddens me or even phases me. These people knew the consequences for their actions. The law is quite clear.

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Dick Cheney has been executed!

Like I said this has been a very busy week at Gitmo. If you watch Overwatch Sitrep by Monkeyworx, he verifies the traffic. He doesn’t seem to know what it is but it is very interesting to see. JAG doesn’t usually conduct business on the weekends, but Cheney was the exception. Let’s see how this unfolded.

Cheney, who was convicted of treason and murder, on January 18th, and sentenced to death, was hung at Guantanamo Bay yesterday Saturday January 28th, before a quorum of military brass. Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall and “White Hat” loyalists from other branches of the Armed Forces, excluding the National Guard and Coast Guard were in attendance. The execution, however, didn’t go smoothly. Cheney tried to cheat death when the pivoting door beneath his feet failed to open after Rear Adm. Crandall had given the “execute” command.

Unlike gallows of bygone days, which functioned mechanically with levers and pullies, the apparatus at GITMO works electronically; an anonymous soldier pushes a button, and the door swings open.

When the door did not open, Cheney tried to invoke a myth of the Wild West stipulating that if gallows failed—rope breaking, for example—the prisoner would be set free, his sentence commuted.

“I should be released. Your machine broke. It was customary in the 1800s, that when a lynching went awry, for whatever reason, the condemned was released,” Cheney said as he stood atop the platform with his head in the noose.

“Unfortunately for you, this isn’t 1867 Cheyenne, it’s 2022 GITMO,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “But if it were, we wouldn’t hang you. I think a duel at 20-paces would be far more gratifying.”

A soldier from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers arrived in 15 minutes. He found a short in the wiring, which he repaired promptly with a portable soldering iron. Unsurprisingly, Cheney began swearing and cussing, his voice rich with condescension, at Rear Adm. Crandall and the other officers in attendance, vowing his people would avenge his death.

“You’re about to be reunited with some of those people,” Rear Adm. Crandall said, and once more instructed the soldier atop the platform to press the button.

This time the gallows worked flawlessly. The door swung open, and Cheney dropped to his death. A physician on-scene pronounced him dead, and his body was sealed in a polyurethane bag and removed from the scene.

Dick Cheney Tribunal- Guilty!

The much awaited tribunal of Dick Cheney happened and it justice was swift. Mind you they already knew he was guilty from George W’s Tribunal. Here are the details:

Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps stated in his opening statement that Cheney and the late George W. Bush were co-conspirators in the 9/11 tragedy and plots to criminally thrust the United States into unjustified wars. Their motives, he said, included destabilizing the Middle East, personally profiting from opium that the U.S. military had seized in Afghanistan, giving the military an excuse to wantonly live-fire test novel weapons, and earning a hefty kickback from insurance money paid to Larry Silverstein. Larry Silverstein is the American real estate mogul who owned the towers on the day of the event.

As Cheney sat stone-faced behind the defense table, Rear Adm. Crandall showed the panel financial documents that the military had acquired, during its investigation, into Cheney’s past. The documents showed that five million dollars was paid in five installments and was dispersed into an offshore Cayman Island bank account. The account beared the name Eric Burchard, which is an anagram for Richard Bruce. Richard Bruce is Cheney’s proper first and middle name. The transactions took place between 11/7/2001-02/17/2002, long before Silverstein Properties Inc. received an insurance settlement.

“We know with certitude that Eric Burchard is Richard Bruce Cheney; our investigation established this as fact. The account was opened three days prior to 9/11 and had only the minimum balance, needed, to keep it open until Silverstein’s money poured into it. Silverstein knew he’d get a huge payout, it wasn’t the one he wanted, but still. The defendant, in opening the account, knew 9/11 would happen well in advance. If he has another explanation for taking the payout, we’d love to hear it,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“Rot in hell,” Cheney uttered with clenched teeth.

Additionally, Rear Adm. Crandall played the same audio tapes he had used to help convict George W. Bush, the ones Donald Rumsfeld had secretly recorded as he, Bush, and Cheney devised a plan to carry out 9/11, without being implicated. On them, Cheney told Bush “Not to worry” because he would “take care of everything.”

“When we first spoke to detainee Cheney, he tried to put the whole thing on Bush, and when informed that Bush is dead, he got quiet. He refuses to explain why he fled the country the night we caught Bush. JAG and the OMC believe Cheney’s actions, the tapes, and receiving a payout, from Silverstein, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is guilty of treason and, like Bush, must be held accountable for the deaths of all the people who perished in 9/11 and all American soldiers that died in Afghanistan and Iraq. We seek the maximum punishment,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

In an unusual move, an officer on the panel requested to ask Cheney a question directly.

“Have you any remorse? Do you ever think of the people who’ve died, or what the lives of their friends and family must be like? Do you have guilt over the callousness of it all?”

“Have you ever seen the film A Few Good Men, with Jack Nicholson playing Colonel Jessup? He wanted to strengthen our country, and without admitting anything, the same is for me. Any actions I might’ve taken were in the name of protecting and strengthening the United States,” Cheney replied.

Ten minutes later the panel reached a verdict. They found Cheney guilty of Murder and Treason. They agreed that he should be executed for his crimes. The date of execution is pending.

More to come, stay tuned. This is going to be a very juicy month for tribunals.

Gavin Newsom’s Arrest

Just when you thought he would escape them, you would be wrong. When i told you know one will escape the tribunals, i meant NO ONE!!! This one is a gem. Let me set the scene.

November 1 Newsom was arrested at his CA home. He had fallen ill after receiving a booster and was in a coma for several weeks. His last public appearance on October 27 was a public relations stunt that showed him getting his 3rd vaccination, and on October 31, his Twitter account, which may be controlled by persons other than Newsom, tweeted a photo of his family adorned in Halloween costumes. Even the MSM publications such as the Daily Mail have raised concerns over Newsom’s inexplicable silence.

During early morning on November 1st, an unknown number of Marines, sent by United States Marine Forces Special Command, infiltrated the Newsom estate and engaged two California State police officers, who had been assigned to guard the Deep State governor. “The Marines,” our source said, “offered state police a chance to surrender, but the officers drew sidearms and forced the Marines to respond with lethal force. Both officers took multiple hits, killing them, and no Marines were wounded in the brief firefight.”

Having dispatched Newsom’s security, the Marines navigated the residence and spotted Newsom’s wife, Jennifer, and their four children dashing down a hallway that ended in a false wall leading to a “Safe Room,” a fortified room that is installed in a private residence or business to provide a safe shelter, or hiding place, for the inhabitants in the event of a break in, home invasion, tornado, terror attack, or other threat.

Mrs. Newsom and the children entered the panic room before the Marines were able to catch and interrogate them, our source said.

“The soldiers cleared the rest of the place and they found Gavin Newsom and his private physician in the master bedroom. The doc threw his hands in the air immediately and said he was just there to care for Newsom and didn’t want any trouble.”

A bedridden Newsom lie on his back, with an intubation tube stuck down his throat and a nasal cannula jammed up his nostrils. Beside the bed stood an array of portable patient monitors.

“When the Marines said they were taking Newsom, the doctor warned them that he’d die if disconnected from the life support equipment. A Corpsman in the team radioed for aid, and a military ambulance soon arrived. They took Newsom and the doctor, presumably to question, from the home. They didn’t try to get his wife or kids, though,” our source said.

Newsome was taken to an unknown medical facility for treatment and, when medically fit, will be processed by JAG and sent to Guantanamo Bay to face a military tribunal.

Asked why the Marines didn’t simply “pull the plug” if the military intends to seek capitol punishment, our source said, “That wasn’t their job. Newsom may have answers we need. If he survives, he will face the same charges Cuomo did.”

Meanwhile, the MSM has blamed Newsom’s lengthy silence on “family obligations.”

Failed California Governor Gavin Newsom got a rude awakening, literally, when he first opened his eyes Monday morning following a 11-day-long vaccine-induced coma that he fell into shortly after receiving a Covid-19 booster shot. The first thing Newsom saw through eyes opened to narrow slits were a Navy physician removing an intubation tube from his mouth and Rear Adm. Crandall looming over the hospital bed on which he lay.

Newsom tried to cough, but he hadn’t the strength. Frail and gaunt, the ever-thin Newsom had lost so much weight, he looked more inhuman than human. He winced as if in pain as the physician waved a penlight before his eyes.

“We’re delighted you’re still with us,” Rear Adm. Crandall told him, according to a GITMO source familiar with the incident.

“What the?” Newsom gurgled. “I’m in hell. My wife, my kids.

“They’re fine, which is more than can be said about you. Looks like that vaccine you push so hard didn’t work too well for you,” Rear Adm. Crandall reportedly said.

Newsom’s breath came slow and shallow. He choked on his words, struggling to speak. “Placebo. I was supposed to get a placebo.”

“You Deep Staters are always double-crossing one another,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “When medically fit, you will be put on trial, held accountable for thousands of fatalities. Enjoy this reprieve while you can.”

JAG and the Office of Military Commissions will seek the death penalty, our source said. Although he was unable to provide to RRN a complete list of charges, he said that JAG will hold Newsom to account for the deaths of “thousands” of senior citizens and 600 California children who had developed lethal staph infections from prolonged mask usage, as well as 4,000 vaccine-related fatalities that he had obfuscated by ordering the California Department of Public Health to blame the deaths on other causes, like heart attacks, diabetic shock, aneurisms, etc.

JAG, our source added, has already subpoenaed witnesses to testify against Newsom, including members of his staff, employees of CDPH, and friends and family privy to his wanton corruption. Several potential witnesses expressed joy at the idea of seeing Newsom hang, while others had to be finagled—comply or be charged as an accomplice.

Lesser charges, which JAG might not pursue at trial, include Newsom’s “pay-for-pandemic” scheme, in which he accepted $30m in “campaign contributions” from the CEOs of Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services in exchange for keeping movie theaters and entertainment centers shut down during the plandemic. The endgame was to boost sales for struggling streaming services and, in turn, bankrupt the theater industry.

“There’s enough evidence on Newsom as there was on Cuomo, if not more. His fate is pretty much sealed. I imagine right now he’s wishing that vaccine actually killed him,” our source said.

Bill Clinton Military Tribunal- Day 2

I was in elementary school when the whole Waco standoff was going on, but I do remember it was a cult. I do not remember everything that they transpired but I had no idea this is what really happened. It makes me sick to see how these people that were supposedly elected lied to our faces for decades. They keep saying they did nothing wrong, or they would do again or they were following “legal” orders. The truth shall set you free.

Attorney David E. Kendell spent Monday morning trying to exonerate his client, William Jefferson Clinton, despite conceding to a military tribunal that a 1993 audio recording, implicating Clinton in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, was indeed authentic. An independent audio forensic laboratory, Primeau Forensics, confirmed that Clinton had given the wanton and callous order to raze the compound with no regard for its occupants.

Nonetheless, Kendell held fast to his legal strategy: Blame Hillary Clinton.

He argued that although the tape was authentic, it was also exculpatory, because Bill and Hillary had had a private conversation 20 minutes prior to his chat with Reno, Chipman, and Sessions. Hillary had browbeat Bill into ordering the assault under threat that she would seek a divorce and leave him penniless unless he complied, Kendall explained to the three officers judging the military’s case against Clinton.

“My client is a weak man, and he was a weak husband to a foul creature, but he is no murderer. Hillary Clinton psychologically manipulated William Jefferson Clinton at every turn,” Kendall said.

Vice Adm. Hannink cleared his throat. “Aren’t you a little old for courtroom theatrics, Mr. Kendall? These legal stunts may have worked for you in other venues—forty years ago. Your argument is irrelevant, and even if it wasn’t, Hillary Clinton isn’t here to testify.”

“No thanks to you,” Kendall quipped.

“You’re testing the patience of this commission, Mr. Kendall. There’s a limit to our latitude,” Vice Adm. Hannink replied.

After a brief recess, Vice Adm. Hannink discussed the 1999 bombing campaign against Serbian targets in the former Yugoslavia. The air raids, Bill Clinton said at the time, were carried out to halt widespread ethnic cleansing being perpetrated by Serbian forces against Albanian Muslims in Kosovo. The airstrikes ended after 10 weeks when the Serbians agreed to a peace accord that called for the withdrawal of Serbian forces from Kosovo and their replacement by NATO peacekeeping troops.

“Ethnic cleansing is an unimaginable crime, and we’re not here to question whether participating in the campaign was right or wrong. We are here to prove that Bill Clinton’s altruistic motives for involving the United States were farcical, and his true motivation, as with all things Clinton, was personal profit. That he accepted enormous quantities of cash, from multiple parties, in exchange for military aid. In doing so, he turned the U.S. military into a mercenary force, an act of treason,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

Two weeks prior to the bombing campaign, the Clintons began receiving substantial deposits into several Cayman Island bank accounts, which, Vice Adm. Hannink said, the Clintons jointly controlled. Five million dollars from U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annon. Three million dollars from German Chancellor Gerard Schroeder. Five million dollars from Italian Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema. Four million dollars from Ibrahim Rugova, leader of the ethnic Albanians in the Serbian province of Kosovo.

Vice Adm. Hannink showed the tribunal financial transaction records that corroborated the Judge Advocate General’s Corps’ allegations.

“Where did you obtain these records?” Kendall asked.

“Snakes in the grass, Mr. Kendall, snakes in the grass. Not all of detainee Clinton’s friends are really his friends,” Vice Adm. Hannink said. “Your client was by no means a pauper, but he and his wife left office immensely wealthy people. In this case, he lied to Congress, involving our nation in a 47-day, trillion-dollar conflict for personal profit.”

“Even if true, and I’m not saying it is, you’re bringing up things that happened over 30 years ago, dated material. What will you blame on my client next? The extinction of the dinosaurs? What has my client done lately?” Kendall asked.

Vice Adm. Hannink smirked, and said “lately” would be the topic of Tuesday’s proceedings. He declared the tribunal in recess until ten hundred hours on Tuesday.